| +49 89 42002281

The pre-release version of the IDS interface is now available!

We gladly announce that we have just published a pre-release version of the IDS interface in BIMQ, thanks to the collaboration with our partners and even before the final buildingSMART publication!

With the new IDS interface (IDS=Information Delivery Specification)  you can rely on a standardised and easy-to-use validation format for IFC-based data exchange. Our IDS exports from BIMQ have been developed and tested together with LIBAL and usBIM.browser by ACCA-Software.

We can’t wait to see which other validation tools will support the IDS format in the near future. Looking forward to the upcoming developments and further cooperation opportunities!

Do you have any questions around the new IDS interface in BIMQ? Feel free to send us an email at!



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