| +49 89 42002281

BIMQ release

Exciting new features with the BIMQ version 2.12 🚀

We are thrilled to announce the release of BIMQ version 2.12! This new version brings two exciting new features:

Firstly, BIMQ now also supports the latest IDS version 0.9.7, which is being implemented at a rapid pace by the industry and will very likely also be the final version.

Secondly, in line with IDS, we have expanded the checking of properties. It now supports not only enumeration lists, but also value ranges and naming patterns. It means that even more precise specifications for the assignment of properties can now be defined in BIMQ and ensured in the IDS-based model check.

Do you have any questions? We are here for you at any time 💌 Send us an e-mail to

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